What is Kelvin temperature on fluorescent lamps/lightbulbs?

The color temperature refers to the color of light. This temperature is measured in Kelvins. The Kelvin scale ranges from 1500 to 9000. The lower the Kelvin scale number, the warmer the color temperature, resulting in a warmer (more oranges and reds) light source. The higher the Kelvin scale number, the cooler (more blues or greens) the color temperature, or light source. For example, a 3000 Kelvin bulb will emit a warmer light than a 4000 Kelvin. The Kelvin temperature …

Do compact fluorescent lamps/lightbulbs (CFLs) give off as much heat as regular incandescent bulbs?

Compact fluorescent lamps/lightbulbs (CFLs) do not give off as much heat as incandescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs use about 10-15% of the energy consumed for light, and the remaining energy is given off as heat. A CFL lasts longer, uses less energy, and produces approximately 90% less heat than an incandescent bulb. For more information about lighting comparisons, see: Comparing Incandescent Lighting with Compact Fluorescent Lighting from the U.S. Department of Energy.…