Why would I want to insulate my basement walls?

Depending on the construction of your home, one of the most cost effective ways to save money on heating costs is to insulate an uninsulated foundation or basement. Concrete is an extremely poor insulator. A material’s resistance to heat transfer is measured as R-value. The R-value of 10 inches of poured concrete is 1 (R-1), the same as a single-glazed window. An uninsulated foundation is similar to surrounding the entire house with single-glazed windows. Many people mistakenly believe the ground …

What is return air? Why does the furnace need it?

Return air is related to forced air type home heating systems. The return air in these systems is circulated from the furnace (heating supply air) in ducts, to individual rooms. In the rooms (except for bathrooms and kitchens), there should be a return duct for the “return air.” This is air that completes the circulation and returns cool air back to the furnace in return ducts. Return ducts are typically under negative pressure, so should be sealed so as not …