Passive Solar Energy for Homes: Daylighting

Reviewed and revised on 11/15/2013

Natural light can contribute to energy savings inside the home by reducing the need for artificial lighting powered by energy sources. Structures with a long east-west axis and a concentration of windows on the southern exposure receive the maximum benefit from daylight. Windows with low-emissivity (Low-E) glass provide the opportunity for optimum natural lighting while reducing heat gain in the summer and heat loss during the winter months.

Recommendations for the amount of southern windows …

Compact Fluorescent Lighting — CFL

Reviewed and Revised on 11/13/2013

Photo of Compact Fluorescent Lamps/Lightbulbs

How much can I save by switching to Compact Fluorescent Lamps/Light bulbs?

On an average lighting represents 10-15% of a home’s electricity bill. Switching from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent lamps/lightbulbs (CFLs) is the simplest way to save on this bill. 

A CFL bulb uses only 1/4th of the energy used in a incandescent bulb and last 10 times longer. It does cost about $2 or more in comparison to incandescent bulbs however, if …

No to Low Cost Actions to Save Home Energy and Money

Reviewed and Revised 01/03/2014

Simple tips designed to help you save energy in your home with little or no out-of-pocket costs.


  • Lower the thermostat when you sleep or not at home. Lowering the thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hrs can help you save  5-15% annually on your heating bill. website states that if the setback period is 8 hrs or longer than